Welcome Oregon State University


Discover OSU Student Chapter

The Oregon State University ITE Student Chapter works to advance the professional and social development of its members within the field of transportation engineering.

We encourage all students (no matter your class standing or level of experience with transportation) to join and learn more about the exciting field of transportation!


Student Involvement

OSU ITE is involved with many events and fundraising opportunities throughout the year.

Pancetta biltong cow short loin ground round, pork strip steak short ribs drumstick capicola corned beef. Frankfurter tenderloin chuck, shank meatball pastrami turducken cow swine. Swine doner pig meatloaf, boudin sirloin burgdoggen venison ribeye rump ground round turducken. Shoulder capicola cow rump t-bone, chicken corned beef picanha ribeye ground round kielbasa. Leberkas boudin ham shankle, cow landjaeger capicola filet mignon. Corned beef kevin porchetta pork loin, ham leberkas jowl swine bresaola pork belly venison cow turkey picanha jerky.

Join Us

Come to one of our meetings. 

You are the future of transportation!

Go Beavs!